Always ready to serve the people...

Village Panchayat Poinguinim - Goa




About Us​

Village Panchayat Poinguinim

According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Poinguinim village is 627026. Poinguinim village is located in Canacona Tehsil of South Goa district in Goa, India. It is situated 10km away from sub-district headquarter Canacona and 46km away from district headquarter Margao. As per 2009 stats, Poinguinim village is also a gram panchayat.

The total geographical area of village is 3546.4 hectares. Poinguinim has a total population of 6,625 peoples. There are about 1,574 houses in Poinguinim village. As per 2019 stats, Poinguinim villages comes under Canacona assembly & South Goa parliamentary constituency. Canacona is nearest town to Poinguinim.

Mrs. Savita Ramesh Tawadkar (Sarpanch)

Sarpanch's Desk

As a Sarpanch of the Poinguinim village panchayat, I take the honor to release of newly developed official website for the betterment of the people. With our website, citizens of the Poinguinim village panchayat can easily download the forms and require information on just a single click. It is a very convenient and time-saving way, where people save the time of travel to the panchayat just to collect the form. You can also get entire details about the schemes and the services we offer on our official website.

After the launch of our website, I assure you that our website will be live 24*7 throughout the year with the regular updates. I appeal to all audiences to visit our official website and appreciate the work of the staff in maintaining the website up-to-date with the latest functions and the happenings.


Garbage Management Committee

“Garbage collection in these areas will follow a door-to-door model. The panchayats have set up Dry Waste collection Centers. In villages though, there was a time when people would turn their waste into natural fertilizer for their gardens. But now, the plastic menace has crept into villages too, so it will take a few years for the move to become a reality”.

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